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Wycliffe Bible Translators Partnership with TeachBeyond

We are thrilled to announce an exciting new partnership between TeachBeyond and Wycliffe Bible Translators USA for the mobilization of missionary teachers.

For decades, Wycliffe has been known for its commitment to advancing Bible translation and working in partnership so that people can encounter God through His Word. Their God-sized vision is for people from every language to understand the Bible and be transformed.

Likewise, TeachBeyond joins with God’s mission to transform individuals and communities, and we pursue that specifically through transformational education services. With the establishment of this mobilization partnership, TeachBeyond brings its focus on education in support of Wycliffe’s efforts in Bible translation to connect missionary educators with opportunities to serve around the world.

“One of the key components of Wycliffe is partnership. We really believe that we have our expertise, we have our niche in the missions world, but we don’t do everything and we can’t do everything,” shares John Madden, Director of Talent Development for Wycliffe USA. “We can join efforts in providing great education for missionaries and for their children so that their longevity can increase.”

Both TeachBeyond and Wycliffe Bible Translators highly value partnership and work in collaboration with countless other like-minded organizations and entities. We see this partnership as a strategic step to continue to provide Christ-centered transformational education and advance Gospel proclamation throughout the world.

Are you interested in using your educational experience and training to support the work of Bible translation? We would love to connect with you. Click here to begin the conversation.

05 Oct 23
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