LinGo in Schools
LinGo in Schools is made up of a group of teachers serving in public schools across Budapest. In addition to the smaller LinGo team, you will also be a part of the greater Hungary TeachBeyond team. Several times a year the greater TeachBeyond team gathers for meetings and retreats, professional development, fellowship, and team building. You will also have regular contact with your team leader.
Most partner schools provide housing; all schools provide a monthly salary and health insurance, commensurate with standard Hungarian teacher pay. Typically, you would teach 20-24 lessons per week. Depending on your assignment, you may be teaching conversational English, but you may be asked to teach English Literature or US History. You will be team-teaching with a local, trained English teacher. You will also have the opportunity to host an English Club after school, if your schedule allows. This can be a great opportunity to connect with students outside the classroom and share a bit more about your life and faith.
Click "inquire now" to learn more about how you can serve using English as outreach