Administrator / Teacher
Job Description: After three years of planning and laying a solid foundation, the Christian English School of Torino Italy (CES-to) will be starting in September 2025. As a start-up, there is a need for an administrator who is also willing to teach part-time. This position is ideal for a teacher with international experience who is wanting to begin to move into an administrative role. The governmental and family relationship responsibilities of the administrator will be assisted by an Italian-speaking local representative on staff with the school. Responsibilities will be the supervision of the small staff and volunteers and, with the assistance of others, the development of necessary programs, plans and curriculum for this small start-up school.
School Description: The school will be serving children from pre-K into the primary and middle school years with the intention of increasing years annually, eventually serving children pre-K through 12. Much of the foundations for the school have been established including the desired outcomes, and with the help of the Board and other experienced educations, steps are beginning for ACSI accreditation. It is anticipated that the first year will have approximately 12-20 students with multi-level learning similar to a homeschooling environment. The anticipated student / teacher ratio is about 5:1 with additional assistants and volunteers.
Location: Torino is a city of about one million people located in northwestern Italy near the Italian alps. Italy is a challenging spiritual environment for evangelical Christians and there are no Biblically-oriented Christian schools in the area, and very few in all of Italy. CES-to will be serving the entire evangelical Christian community of Torino. There are also a number of primary immigrant groups from South America, Romania, Albania, China, Morocco and other parts of Africa. While CES-to will focus on the evangelical Christian community, others who are non-religious, Catholic or from other religions are invited to send their children, provided they are not opposed to the Biblical content and perspectives that will be incorporated into the CES-to curriculum and character training.
Unique Aspects: The Christian English School of Torino (CES-to) will initially be small, with a family and loving environment. Hopefully this cultural environment will continue as it grows. Other unique aspects of CES-to include an outdoor/nature-oriented educational focus and a dedication to serving the various needs in the Torino community.
Benefits: Missionary administrator / teachers will be asked to work through TeachBeyond for their financial support and expenses. The school will provide a housing allowance of at least 500 euro/month, assistance in locating a residence, obtaining a visa, language acquisition and cultural adjustment / adaptation.
Christian English School of Torino