EFL Teacher in Lesvos
Stranded on Lesvos after escaping war and conflict, refugees are truly living in a hellish state of transit, where their dreams of building a new life are placed on hold for months and even years. Beyond Borders is committed to supporting non-formal educational opportunities for asylum seekers on the island of Lesvos, Greece. We use a trauma-informed approach for teaching English as a Foreign Language (EFL), incorporating expressive arts and peacebuilding themes into language instruction and acquisition.
As a Primary School Teacher, you will be responsible for teaching 6-12 year old students, helping to deliver and fulfill the educational program goals of TeachBeyond and the Beyond Borders Lesvos project, through the support of local NGO partners.
- Teach 2 classes per day, 4 days per week, to 6-12 year old students
- Assist in the delivery and implementation of the program curriculum, ensuring learning offerings align with the Beyond Borders' Guiding Principles and "Learn to Heal" concept of learning
- Teach in a variety of locations within the camp, where educational programming is offered
- Provide education on basic skills of English, Math, Creative Arts, and other subjects appropriate for preparing students for transition
- Assist in the instruction or direction for teaching in Creative Arts; may include teaching music, drama, visual arts, instruments, vocal or choral instruction, or dance; includes a heavy attention to the importance of using arts and movement to attend to the psychological needs of trauma victims
- Manage student behavior in the classroom by establishing and enforcing classroom guidelines
- Encourage and monitor progress of individual students and use information to adjust teaching strategies, as appropriate and applicable
- Collaboratively teach with other teachers, while coaching and mentoring identified residents of the camp to step into assistant teaching roles
- In cooperation with other teachers and assistants, create a loving and safe environment of care for vulnerable children
Volunteers serve for 90-day rotations throughout the year. The cost is $3,500 for three months, not including airfare.
Beyond Borders