Head of School
We are looking for someone to come and work as the head of school/director. Anyone interested in this position will need to do at least 6 months of language school once they have raised their full support. Fluency in the Indonesian language is necessary in order to manage the national staff at the school and to be successful in living in the community here. The current director is willing to stay for four more years, but is also open to transitioning out of the director role before that if there is a person ready to take on the role.
The position does require some school administrative experience and a Masters of Education degree. We will consider working with a qualified person without administrative experience as long as they are willing to serve in an assistant director or principal role for a few years to gain the needed experience. The director is responsible for all aspects of the school and manages the elementary and secondary principals, the finance department, the maintanance department, The IT department, the dorming program, all national employees and the satellite school. They work with the principals and teachers to make sure the action plans in the school improvement plan are implemented so that the school's accreditation through the Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC) is not jeopardized. They are the sole employee of the inter-mission school board which operates under a policy governance model based on the Carver model. The director must show their compliance with policies set forth in the Board Policy Manual during quarterly board meetings.
Fully furnished subsidized housing on campus is available to the director as well as access to a vehicle. We are looking for someone who is willing to make a long term committment to the ministry of the school. Our Website is located at www.hismk.org.
Hillcrest School - Indonesia