Previous Transformed & Transformational Episodes
Guest: Brian Delamont
Sometimes it's hard to see how God's redemptive plan is playing out in our broken world. Brian Delamont joins us to talk...
Guest: Dean F.
"Calling" is a big topic with many facets. Dean takes it down to the everyday level and invites us to lean into our calling today:...
Guest: Christine Moussa & Russ Kraines
How is God at work in the midst of virtual learning? Tune in for today's conversation with Russ Kraines and...
Guest: David Durance
What do we mean by "transformation"? Transformation is inside-out, heart and mind, Holy Spirit-fueled change. Let's talk...
Meet the Hosts

Heather Brown
Director of Mobilization, US & Canada

Keane Fine
Director of Global Communications