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Use English as a way to share the Gospel around the world!

People worldwide are clamoring to learn English so they can get better jobs and better pay. Speaking English is an important skill for so many reasons.

It’s exciting to see how the Holy Spirit is using this desire to learn English to bring people into a relationship with Jesus Christ. God is working through teachers, camp counselors, and interns who have answered the call to go and serve.

Here’s how God could use you as a witness:

  • through excellence in your teaching and work
  • through your life and lifestyle—by modeling fairness, care, concern for and acceptance of individuals, Christ-honoring behavior, and by showing Christ’s love
  • through sharing about your relationship with Christ as opportunities open in discussions with campers, students, and colleagues

Sound interesting? If you speak English fluently and would like to help others learn English, check out these opportunities.

ProgramEnglish CampsLinGo IntensivesLinGo in SchoolsEnglish Language CentersLinGo Online
Students Primarily teens 13+, but some children or adults possible Primarily teens 13+, but some children or adults possible Elementary and secondary students All ages, including business people All ages
Length of Service 10-16 days 3-10 weeks 1 year; 2 years ideal 1 year;
2 years ideal
1 semester; 1 year ideal
Short Description Daily English conversation and small group practice; curriculum and training provided Daily classes (up to 4 hours) in English; curriculum provided Teach English lessons in a local bilingual school; option to lead an after-school club Small English classes at various levels plus some tutoring possible LinGo Online is a new online ESL/EFL program that partners with our global English Language Centres.
Setting Camp and workshops School classroom School classroom Language center Online- Remote
Teaching Certif.
needed or preferred
TESOL certificate or teaching certificate preferred TESOL certificate needed, we can help you obtain it TESOL certificate needed