External Exam Coordinator
This position is critical to allow our students to continue to be able to take external exams, especially college-entrance and Advanced Placement exams. This position would require little work for some of the year, and other times it would be very busy. On average, this would be about 20 hours per week which is condisdered half-time. This would pair nicely with another part-time position in teaching, administration, or another area.
The ideal candidate would need to have a technical aptitude, including troubleshooting computers as needed, as all of these exams are now online. There would be an IT person to work with you for the more difficult issues. The ideal candidate would also need to be flexible as they worked with test administrators in the US and in different time zones to iron out all of the details. They would need to work well with students as well as other teachers and administrators.
In order to serve as the AP Coordinator (part of this position), the person would not be able to have any of their own children taking any AP exams that year, and they cannot also be serving as an AP teacher. These are College Board limitations.
We invite you to talk with us if you have these skills and would be interested in helping with this critical need!
Ukarumpa International School