High School Religious Studies Teacher (Grades 9-12)
High school Religious Studies teachers plan and implement appropriately-leveled instruction to high schoolers, including two required courses (New Testament Survey and Apologetics) and various electives including, but not limited to, Old Testament Survey, Worldviews, Christian Ethics, Bible Study Methods, and Bible book studies, depending on instructor expertise and student interest. Students must have 4 semesters or more of Religious Studies to graduate from Ukarumpa International School (UIS).
UIS Religious Studies teachers are expected to:
- Teach in alignment with the Christian scriptures and the UIS Schoolwide Learning Outcomes (Knowledge, Understanding, Communication, Stewardship, and Biblical Worldview)
- Conduct formative and summative assessments, maintain records of student learning and achievement, and effectively communicate student achievement with parents on report cards and in other written and oral communication
- Maintain order and a positive, engaging learning environment in the classroom
- Seek to understand and empathize with students growing up in cross-cultural situations (Third-Culture Kids) and encourage awareness and understanding of cultural differences
- Communicate effectively with students from a variety of nationalities
- Assist in and support student extra-curricular activities as able, inspiring and encouraging the physical, mental, and spiritual development of students to their greatest potential
- Attend bi-weekly faculty meetings and school-sponsored Professional Development opportunities
- Maintain their own certification as needed (UIS has funds to supplement individual professional development pursuits!)
A full time teaching load is three to four classes.
We prefer a year of teaching experience, but we welcome you to talk with us about your unique qualifications and passions. We look forward to talking with you about our amazing community, our awesome students, and about how you might be able to serve God as a computer and information sciences teacher in Papua New Guinea!
We believe that you will discover what we already know, that UIS is a Great Place to Teach!
Ukarumpa International School