Principal (Primary or Secondary Campus)
The Principal will provide administrative expertise and support in a variety of roles to the staff, students, programs, and operations of Ukarumpa International School.
The current principals at both the Primary and Secondary campuses will be on furlough from June 2025 to January or June of 2026. The best case scenario is for you to come teach for a semester before stepping in as principal, but if that is not possible, we would still like to talk with you to see if it is a good fit. In this way, you can learn the culture of the school before assuming that responsibility.
- Oversee educational and administrative operations
- Provide spiritual leadership for school personnel
- Provide administrative oversight to finances and budget
- Oversee school personnel, including consulting on specific assignments to the various vacancies
- Function in a public relations role, both within and outside the community
- Provide oversight to school facilities
- Provide oversight in the area of student information and records
- Provide for the professional development, training, and evaluation needs of school personnel
- Oversee student life, including discipline, child safeguarding, and other programs
We invite you to talk with us and learn more about how you might be able to serve God and support the work of Bible Translation in Papua New Guinea as a school administrator!
We believe that you will discover what we already know, that UIS is a Great Place to Teach!
Ukarumpa International School