“The response from the parents has been overwhelmingly positive,” shares Gladys Donkoh, Open Schools Worldwide, Ghana Country facilitator, of the...
LiveBeyond is the name given to the first year of a theological and practical training program at Gramado Theological Seminary (GTS) in Gramado,...
“The people in the camps need you – to hold their hand and say – ‘I am here, near you,’” says Fatima* a former ESL student from Moria, Greece, on...
I came to BridgeWay late in the year and I slowly started learning about my students' personalities, English levels, and family backgrounds. Before...
In October 2019, Becky had just finished a unit on persuasive speaking and logical fallacies. The unit focused on why and how to recognize logical...
The staff from the US had a great impact on the campers’ mindsets as they faithfully acted as Jesus’ hands and feet while lovingly teaching English.
God’s Word is clear: we are to encourage and support one another! When we do, the benefits can be far-reaching – affecting not only those who...