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Profiles of Transformation
“The response from the parents has been overwhelmingly positive,” shares Gladys Donkoh, Open Schools Worldwide, Ghana Country facilitator, of the...
27 Nov 24
LiveBeyond is the name given to the first year of a theological and practical training program at Gramado Theological Seminary (GTS) in Gramado,...
18 Aug 20
“The people in the camps need you – to hold their hand and say – ‘I am here, near you,’” says Fatima* a former ESL student from Moria, Greece, on...
13 Apr 20
I came to BridgeWay late in the year and I slowly started learning about my students' personalities, English levels, and family backgrounds. Before...
02 Mar 20
In October 2019, Becky had just finished a unit on persuasive speaking and logical fallacies. The unit focused on why and how to recognize logical...
24 Dec 19
The staff from the US had a great impact on the campers’ mindsets as they faithfully acted as Jesus’ hands and feet while lovingly teaching English.
18 Oct 19
God’s Word is clear: we are to encourage and support one another! When we do, the benefits can be far-reaching – affecting not only those who...
02 Aug 19