“The response from the parents has been overwhelmingly positive,” shares Gladys Donkoh, Open Schools Worldwide, Ghana Country facilitator, of the...
“Patricia was 7 years old and still not talking when she came to us at Elwa Sunrise School,” shares Principal Lisa McQueen. “Within about 6 months...
“I developed my English a lot, and God spoke to me in many ways,” said a participant from an ESL Camp in Goiania, Brazil this summer. “I feel much...
The Sparrow Project works with under-serviced, under-funded and under-resourced schools in Africa. Part of the project involves delivering a...
He says ACA, “gives parents like my mom, an option of education that she can trust.” The school’s core values that include being Relational:...
“Hugs! More hugs!” exclaims 3-year-old Josue as he arrives at HopeSeed school in Cuenca, Ecuador. “Little Josue runs and hugs the teachers, his...
At Léman International Academy (LIA) near Geneva, Switzerland they’re trying something new. “School in Nature” is a program where once a month...