About Child Sponsorship
“It has been exciting to be a part of this new TeachBeyond program! I’ve loved sharing letters back and forth with my sponsor child and knowing that I am helping make a positive impact in their life.”
"Child sponsorship through TeachBeyond is an incredible opportunity to prayerfully and regularly connect and communicate with one of God's precious children in need. I am so blessed to be able to participate, knowing that providing Christ-centered education is not only changing my sponsored child's life, but the lives of his family and community in incredible ways, now and for years to come (and for eternity). Through TeachBeyond's faithful services you can truly make a difference!”
“I felt the need to sponsor a child in East Africa because the need is so great. The kids do not have a chance in life without help and the opportunity to go to school.”
“Exchanging letters with my sponsor child is such a delight, and it is so encouraging to hear firsthand what a difference education is making in her life! I'm so grateful to be able to partner with TeachBeyond and its work in this way.”

Your sponsorship makes a difference...
When you sponsor a child through TeachBeyond, you are not just providing children with an education. You are giving them hope. Why? Because, for reasons beyond their control, many of our students have never had the opportunity to receive an education. These vulnerable children often struggle to have their basic needs met. At TeachBeyond, we recognize that children cannot effectively focus and learn if they are lacking these necessities. Our program, funded by your donations, provides for their education and their physical needs. Additionally, your prayers and letters help them know that they are truly seen, known, and loved.
Your sponsorship brings positive change, not only to the student you sponsor, but also to the family, community, and country where the student lives. But better than that, your donations impact eternity! Each of our schools/projects makes it a priority to go beyond a traditional education and integrate faith into the educational material and environment. The children learn that through the power of the Holy Spirit, God can transform lives and cultures into Christ’s image.
How Child Sponsorship Works
Choose a child
your gifts go to work
stay in touch
celebrate the progress
Student Stories

From Potential to Possibility
Mariam* lives in a small, Ugandan village with her hardworking mother who works multiple jobs to support her family. Despite the financial hardship, her mom saw Mariam’s potential and was determined to provide her with a quality education...

A Ray of Hope
Halima*, a bright and spirited 5th-grade student, cherishes every moment at Founder's Free School. School is not just a place for her to learn; it's a sanctuary where she feels surrounded by genuine love and care from the people around her. ...

HopeSeed’s Mix-Up Miracle
One day, Heidi, the director of HopeSeed School, was conducting an interview in hopes of hiring a new teacher to accommodate the school’s growth. Initially, the interviewee seemed very confused, exclaiming, “But this is a school!”. ...
Read moreAs a young child, Abeje was a shepherd boy living in the countryside. When he heard about Korah in the nearby city, he decided to look for work there, but ended up living on the streets and scavenging for his basic needs in a garbage dump. He was also incredibly polite and well-behaved—something his teachers did not expect from a teenager who had never attended school.
Although Abeje was thriving academically, he was not satisfied learning just at school. He also joined our barber apprenticeship program and quickly learned this new skill as well. After just two years in our Korah bridging program, Abeje was able to transition to formal education at the local private Christian school. He continues to do very well with his education, and the barber instructor has now hired him to work some evenings and weekends.
In addition to his academic and vocational success, Abeje also has a hunger for God’s Word. To learn more about God and His son, Jesus, Abeje joined the mentoring program and weekly Bible study offered at the center. His mentors tell us that he is a natural leader in this context and is well respected by others. We are so proud of Abeje and thankful that God provided a caring sponsor who has encouraged him through gifts, prayers, and letters. This sponsorship has enabled Abeje to get an education, learn a trade, and most importantly, come to understand and embrace God’s love.
As followers of Jesus, TeachBeyond recognizes the value of all children, and we adhere to safeguarding guidelines for each individual. For more information about our safeguarding program and philosophy, click here.
If you have any questions about child sponsorship, please see the FAQ or contact us at [email protected].